Benefits for Authorized Economic Operators
Once a company becomes AEO certified, they can enjoy a significant number of benefits. UAE AEO benefits may include:
- No need to submit supporting documents
- Grace period for declaration amendments
- Reduction in number of declarations selected for control
- Elimination of post-filing submission of supporting paper documents
- Electronic archiving of documents accessible at AEO premises
- Low or zero risk score for imports Security/Control
- Prioritization after border operations interruption
- Faster clearance
- Inspection prioritization
- Flexible inspection location
- VIP treatment at cargo terminals
- Reduced post clearance audits
- AEO Mutually Recognized Arrangements (MRA) Benefits
- Use of nonintrusive inspection technology
- Exclusion of AEO from targeted risk profiles when possible
- Dedicated Key Account Manager
- AEO self-guarantee
- Automatic refund credit
- Award of AEO certificate
- Training assistance
- Publication on Customs AEO Website
- Free use of UAEO in marketing
- VIP Lounge at Dubai Customs HQ
- Priority service through Call Center